JB Bass
Jamie Burns (JB Bass)
‘Jamie Burns (J.B. Bass) takes the inspiration for his compelling, gothic-flavoured story telling from a love of the classic,like-minded writers who produced both crime and fantasy novels, whose work was predominantly published in the 18th and 19th centuries. Deciding to utilise the writing skills he had honed whilst engaged in a brief tenure as a music journalist and short story writer, Jamie’s motivation to create a strong character based, fast-paced, thrilling series of novels focusing on the remarkable exploits of a pair of ageing 19th century detectives set against the backdrop of a vibrant, ever-changing landscape of late-Victorian London, produced the first novel in the series, entitled ’89, Manning Place’, and offered a bold introduction to the supernaturally intriguing world of ‘The Victorian Detectives’ and ‘The League of Ghosts.’ With the release of ‘An Appointment with Destiny’, the sophomore novel in the series, the extraordinary journey of James Bartholomew Bass and Alan Tiberius Blackmore, ‘The Victorian Detectives’, continues…’
The Story so Far
In the year 1885, upon receiving their honourable discharge following many years of loyal service with the Prince Consort's Own 95th Rifle Brigade, Prince Albert’s Own Eleventh Hussars regiment and latterly her Majesty Queen Victoria’s Covert Special Forces unit, Major James Bartholomew Bass and Commander Alan Tiberius Blackmore were formally invited by the British Government to tender their extensive military and special forces training and experience in the employ of the London Metropolitan Police Force, to be based at the Leman Street station house in the heart of Whitechapel.Â
Almost immediately, the two detectives developed a fearsome reputation among both the criminal fraternity of London, and their own colleagues, for the extremely hard but ultimately fair policing methods they utilised, that were deemed necessary to combat the uncompromisingly brutal villainy they both faced on a daily basis whilst inhabiting the dangerously unforgiving streets of Whitechapel.Â
Drawing to a mutual conclusion that more of their cases were erring towards the metaphysical and supernatural spheres of consciousness, and so moving beyond their own areas of understanding, Bass and Blackmore formulated a bold plan to unite a group of extraordinary people in a covert league, who would each pledge absolute loyalty to their cause, and who in turn possessed the unique skills and the courage they considered necessary attributes to aide them in their quest for truth and justice, not merely within their own city of London, but throughout the borders of a rapidly developing Europe and even beyond the conceivable parameters of human understanding, into the 4th dimension of time. Â
They were named ‘The League of Ghosts’, the formidable roster of membership to this most unique of organisations comprising 17 of the most brilliant and resourceful minds in their personal fields of expertise ever assembled.
"All for the one, and one for the many, no matter what the cost"